Hi, I am Abdus Salam Azad, a final year Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley (expected graduation December 2024). I am fortunate enough to be advised by Prof. Ion Stoica. I also collaborate with Prof. Pieter Abbeel from UC Berkeley and Izzeddin Gür & Aleksandra Faust from Google Brain. My research is funded by Google. Inc. & BAIR Commons Research initiative.  

My research interest lies broadly in Reinforcement Learning: Representation Learning for Curriculum Learning, Environment Generation for RL, and LLM based RL agents

Previously, I have also worked on Genetic Algorithms to solve complex real-world Combinatorial Optimization problems. I completed my Bachelor of Science in July 2014 and Masters of Science in January 2017 from CSE, BUET.   You can find my resume here.

Thanks for visiting my site. Have a good day. 

Selected Publications (C: conference / J: journal / P: preprint *: equal contributions)

[P] CLUTR: Curriculum Learning via Unsupervised Task Representation Learning [arxiv] [code]

[C] Programmatic Modeling and Generation of Real-time Strategic Soccer Environments for Reinforcement Learning [preprint] [code]

[J] A Heuristic Initialized Stochastic Memetic Algorithm for MDPVRP With Interdependent Depot Operations [pdf] [code]